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Ranch Mart Extravaganza on Saturday, June 15th from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM


You are invited to our annual Ranch Mart Summer Extravaganza on Saturday, June 15th from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM!

This is a FREE event for all ages to enjoy. For the kids, there will be a bouncy obstacle course, face painting, magic shows and of course, the Ranch Mart Express vintage train will be on-site giving free rides. There will also be henna tattoos, axe throwing, food & drinks available for purchase, and live music & entertainment in the beer garden.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Ranch Mart Express Train
  • Location

    Ranch Mart Shopping Center
    at 95th & Mission Road

  • Date & Time

    Saturday, June 15th
    11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

  • Admission

    This is a FREE event!
    Food & drinks will be available for purchase.

Countdown to the Extravaganza

0Weeks0Days0Hours0MinutesThe Extravaganza is happening NOW!